Board of Trustees Student Representatives
Student representatives are selected each year to serve on a handful of Board of Trustee committees. Representatives are selected by a committee comprised of SAS senators, CLORG leaders, and SAS members and it is chaired by the SAS Secretary.
Board of Trustees (BOT) Student Representatives act as a vocal representative for the student body at BOT meetings and BeHeard forums, attend quarterly BOT committee meetings and meetings with a trustee mentor and report once a semester at a BeHeard forum with committee updates, issues, and decisions.
Student representatives act as voting members of the BOT committee they sit on and are placed on the committees to bring student voices to the BOT. Please feel free to contact them. If you have any questions about BOT or student involvement in BOT, please contact SAS.
Board of Trustee representatives are selected in the fall semester of every school year. Each committee will have two student representatives; the committees are as follows:
1. Mission Fulfillment Committee (the SAS President is one of the two members)
Charge: The Mission Fulfillment Committee will be tasked with ensuring that the College is currently, and in perpetuity, able to fulfill the institutional mission.
2. Financial Stewardship Committee
Charge: The Financial Stewardship Committee will monitor the short and long-term financial health of the College and sustainability of the financial model. Three aspects of financial management are the main focus of the Committee: budgeting, overseeing assets, and raising revenue. The Committee will work closely with the Audit, Risk, and Compliance Committee and other committees as appropriate and/or necessary to ensure appropriate coordination and awareness of activities.
3. Scripps Beyond
Charge: The Scripps Beyond Committee will monitor and support partnerships, extensions, and opportunities to expand the engagement of the College with alumnae, parents, The Claremont Colleges, the local community, country, and world.
Last updated: April 2023
Board of Trustees (BOT) Student Representatives act as a vocal representative for the student body at BOT meetings and BeHeard forums, attend quarterly BOT committee meetings and meetings with a trustee mentor and report once a semester at a BeHeard forum with committee updates, issues, and decisions.
Student representatives act as voting members of the BOT committee they sit on and are placed on the committees to bring student voices to the BOT. Please feel free to contact them. If you have any questions about BOT or student involvement in BOT, please contact SAS.
Board of Trustee representatives are selected in the fall semester of every school year. Each committee will have two student representatives; the committees are as follows:
1. Mission Fulfillment Committee (the SAS President is one of the two members)
Charge: The Mission Fulfillment Committee will be tasked with ensuring that the College is currently, and in perpetuity, able to fulfill the institutional mission.
2. Financial Stewardship Committee
Charge: The Financial Stewardship Committee will monitor the short and long-term financial health of the College and sustainability of the financial model. Three aspects of financial management are the main focus of the Committee: budgeting, overseeing assets, and raising revenue. The Committee will work closely with the Audit, Risk, and Compliance Committee and other committees as appropriate and/or necessary to ensure appropriate coordination and awareness of activities.
3. Scripps Beyond
Charge: The Scripps Beyond Committee will monitor and support partnerships, extensions, and opportunities to expand the engagement of the College with alumnae, parents, The Claremont Colleges, the local community, country, and world.
Last updated: April 2023